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Effects of application Ariashimi fertilizers on Kiwi fruit

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Effects of application Ariashimi fertilizers on Kiwi fruit

18 June 2022
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Download this file (Kiwi fruit.pdf)Kiwi fruit.pdf 563 کیلو بایت
  • The diet plan is presented in general and it is recommended to contact the experts of Aria Shimi Company if you need more guidance.

  • The values mentioned are intended for a comprehensive citrus nutrition program to maximize yields, but if even one or part of this program is implemented, it will certainly have relatively favorable effects.

  • The times considered in the table are the best times in terms of element absorption, but it can be useful and effective if the spraying takes place after the mentioned times. If necessary, repeat the spraying at intervals of 10 to 14 days.

  • Spraying should be done in calm weather. The best time to spray is early in the morning or in the afternoon when the humidity has reached the highest possible level and the intensity of sunlight has been reduced.

  • To prevent plant burns, avoid spraying at noon and in hot weather.

  • Voyager fertilizers are miscible with each other, however it is necessary to perform a large-scale pre-application miscibility test.

  • The use of single element fertilizers in the presence of symptoms of iron, zinc and manganese deficiency is recommended to eliminate the symptoms of deficiency of these nutrients.

  • If you need to use more than one package of Voyager Mix, be careful not to add the extra amount of Voyager Plus from other packages to the solution. Excess amounts of Voyager Plus can be used for other foliar sprays.

If you have any questions in this regard, contact our technical experts ...

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